ABC Amber Outlook Converter

ABC Amber Outlook Converter can help you convert client emails into a PDF for document production. It is a useful tool that converts your emails from MS Outlook to multiple document formats (PDF, DOC, HTML, CHM, RTF, HLP, TXT, DBF, CSV, XML, MDB, etc.). It generates the contents with bookmarks (in PDF, DOC, RTF and HTML), keeping hyperlinks. However, for electronic discovery purposes, you will want to focus on the PDF conversion. In essence you will get the Outlook ".pst" files from your clients, convert them to PDF, remove the PDF pages for the emails that are not part of the document production, possibly redact other emails within the PDF if appropriate, designate the PDF pages in the footer as Confidential where proper under the protective order, bates stamp the PDF, and voila - an email production ready to go.

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